Winter Thunder
Winter Thunder 2024
Friday, December 27 - Sunday, December 29
Citta is proud to offer a cure for winter vacation cabin fever with Winter Thunder!
A unique winter activity hosted by the CSR Summer Camp Staff and invited guest presenters. It will run as a three day program at the Joseph Citta Scout Reservation!! Most merit badges will be 3 hours in duration either in the morning or the afternoon. Session One is 9am-12noon, Session Two is 1pm-4pm. Some Merit Badges may require all day both periods!!
Please note: This is a day event only and there will not be overnight registration for Winter Thunder, but your troop can register for a campsite to stay overnight if you'd like.
MERIT BADGES OFFERED: (To be modified by Nov 15, 2024)
American Labor, Archery, Art, Automotive Maintenance, Aviation, Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the World, Collections, Communications, Electricity, Fingerprinting, First Aid, Movie Making, Public Speaking, Woodworking, Chemistry, Rifle Shooting, Space Exploration, Music, Orienteering, Welding, Emergency Preparedness, Photography, Engineering, Citizenship in the Nation, American Heritage, Geology, Mining in Society, and Shotgun Shooting
Winter Thunder offers the most fun that we can cram into a day!!
The costs are based on the allotted time for the merit badge. (1 or 2 sessions). The price is $35 per session scheduled. So, a merit badge that is scheduled for one session is $35 while a two session class is $70.
See the list of prerequisites below for information on individual merit badges, however, it is imcumbent upon the scouts to be prepared for the classes. If, for instance, a requirement says you must discuss something with your counselor, we do not list that as a prerequisite, but if the scout is not prepared to discuss the topic, they will not fulfill the requirement.
Payment Options:
Check- Please make checks payable to Jersey Shore Council at 1518 Ridgeway Rd. Toms River, NJ 08755. Payments should be received at Jersey Shore Council two weeks before the reservation date and will be entered into your account on the website.
Credit/Debit Cards- Effective December 1, 2021, all credit, debit card, and echeck purchases will be charged a 5% transaction fee.
Cash- Cash is accepted at our council office in Toms River (1518 Ridgeway Rd. Toms River, NJ 08755). Your payment will be entered into your account on the website.
Transportation: Parents/ guardians provide transportation to and from camp.
BSA Health Form: Parts A (Parent Consent and Release) and Part B (Health History) required, as is a photocopy of scout's health insurance card.
- Some merit badges have pre-requisites that must be completed prior to taking the badge.
- Some merit badges require purchase of program supplies. A fee will be charged at registration and supplies will be provided.
- When paying for MB sessions, please be aware that prices are set based on scheduled time needed for typical MB completion. Some MB sessions are scheduled to be two sessions because of this assumed time. However, if the scouts are fortunate enough to finish early, the price will not be prorated to reflect actual time in camp.
- Signing up for a MB is not a guarantee that the scouts will complete the merit badge. If the prerequisites are completed prior to arrival and the scout shows an apptitude in the dicipline for the merit badge they are attending, our staff will work to ensure they have the best chance possible to complete the badge. However, it is not a guarantee that they will finish the badge.
- BSA Health Form - see below
- Medication – if prescription required administration during camp program hours.
- Any prerequisite materials for selected merit badges
- Scout Spirit and enthusiasm
- Note on Scout Uniform – Scouts are not required to wear official Class A Scout uniform. Scouts are encouraged to wear a Class B (or “Scouting appropriate” shirt if possible).
- Raingear – as appropriate for conditions
Feel free to contact Frank Bopp at if you have any questions.